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To Be or Not to Be, that is the Question!

Writer's picture: Michele McCarthy Michele McCarthy

When I asked the Lord what He might want to say about 2019 I found myself drawing 9 diamonds on my paper. I thought it was a doodle, I do love to doodle, but then I got these nine words. And this is what I believe He is saying about the nine B words:

Believe Me: Believe I am for you. Believe what I say about you in the Word, believe in the gifts I give you, believe you are worthy of everything I paid for on the cross and that you have EVERYTHING you need right now.

Belong to Me: Submit every part of you to Me, hold nothing back. Die. Die. Die. Die completely to you and let Me live in you. When you are dead no one can offend you, hurt you, scare you or defeat you. You will live in joy and complete forgiveness every day.

I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. Galatians 2:20

Become like Me: Know who I AM. You cannot know Me if you do not spend time in My word and conversing with Me. I am LOVE, kind, generous, healer, compassionate, patient, self-controlled...the list is limitless. Know Me and become like Me. With EVERYONE.

Bring Me: Bring me everywhere you go. You are dead anyway. Bring me to the movies, the restaurant, the mall, the school, the date, work, vacation. Exude Me in every situation. The Me that you have become.

Bare Me: Bare means without addition, basic and simple. I AM the simple gospel. Bare means uncover, expose it to view. Bare Me, expose Me “to view” everywhere. The simple Me.

Be Me: When you are Me you do what I would do. You encourage people, you share My love, you pray for people everywhere you go, especially outside of the “temple”. You bring healing, hope, deliverance and more. Expect it. Be Me.

These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. Mark 16:17-18

Build with Me: You are my plan A. If you do not build the Kingdom, it will not get done. Are you taking me everywhere, building your home on a firm foundation, building your business on a firm foundation? Are you the family member, employer or friend everyone wants to have?

Battle for Me: Don’t spend so much time battling the devil, you give him way too much attention. Battle to keep Me first and foremost in you. Thank me, praise me, tell yourself how much I love you. The devil is defeated and just wants your focus on him because it keeps your focus from Me. DON’T ALLOW IT.

Boast in Me: Give Me the glory. It is Me who lives in you. Recognize My work in your life. I am always speaking to you. Listen. Listen. Listen. Realize it is not about you. REST this truth.

Interesting to Note: Diamonds: the Greek word Adamas-meaning unconquerable.

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1 Comment

Jan 10, 2019

9 Diamonds is a good word for so many. I am so impressed with your love and joy in Christ and can't wait to see how you blossom in 2019. May God bless your future, your business, your wise... it has to come from only one place. God! Thanks for sharing of yourself. Tom


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